Praise & Prayer


  • For Joel’s 2025 book “Empowered to Pastor.”
  • For our three grandchildren: Levi, Isaiah, and Finn Mathias.
  • For God’s guidance in helping  Lyngate Vida  (C&MA) in Los Angeles, California transition to cell-based ministry.
  • For how God helped us to move to Long Beach from Moreno Valley. 
  • For God’s continued blessing over our lives and ministry.


  • For God’s anointing on Joel’s seminar speaking in 2025. Pray for God’s protection.
  • For Celyce she ministers as an adjunct faculty at Talbot Seminary in spiritual formation.
  • For God to provide all the non-profit support needed through Joel Comiskey Group.
  • For God’s blessing and protection on Sarah (and family), Nicole, and Chelsea.

Prayer Covering: God revolutionized our lives in 1995 after reading Peter Wagner’s Prayer Shield (Regal Books, 1992). Both Celyce and I  realized it wasn’t enough to send “prayer letters” to friends.  We needed to have specific prayer partners. God has given us a handful of front-line prayer warriors who pray daily for us,  while others have chosen to pray at least once per week. If you pray regularly for us (at least once per week), let us know by writing to us at, and we will stay in close contact with you.


Writing Ministry

Writing continues to be Joel’s primary passion.

President of Joel Comiskey Group

The board directs Joel Comiskey Group and holds Joel and Celyce accountable. Support raising is also a part of the board-approved plan.

Coach and Spiritual Director

Joel coaches pastors from various denominations and apostolic networks. Celyce offers spiritual direction to Talbot students and other leaders. She has been asked to be an adjunct faculty cohort leader at Talbot Seminary and offer spiritual direction. 

Seminar Speaker and Adjunct Professor

Joel and Celyce have a full schedule of seminars in different parts of the world for 2025. Joel is also an adjunct professor at Indiana Wesleyan University.


Available Resources

Joel’s books, articles, tapes/videos, dissertation and tutorials are all located at the Joel Comiskey Group web site.

Joel Comiskey Group is a tax exempt, non-profit organization dedicated to helping to complete the great commission in this century by  planting new cell churches and transitioning existing churches to cell-based ministry. The Joel Comiskey Group phone number is: 1-888-511-9995. For more background on JCG, CLICK HERE.